NEPTUNE is the dream machine of the zodiac, a mysterious, oceanic, and slow traveler whose mythologies, transits, and placement in the natal chart have much to teach us about dreams, illusions, ambiguity, fantasies, and creation. Neptune moves slowly, spending about 14 years in a sign, and taking 146 years to traverse the zodiac. On March 30th, 2025, Neptune will move from Pisces into Aries, marking a shift.

NEPTUNE: THE DREAM SESSIONS are a new offering aligned with Neptune’s slippery and wild energies. These sessions will combine discussion of dreams with interpretations of Neptune. These sessions are for those who are wanting:

To spend time with their own dream life, daydreams, visions, intuitions enchantments.

To begin or continue work on an artistic endeavor, feeling stuck or wanting Neptunian guidance.

Inspiration from unexpected places.

Deeper and longer term work with a single planet (Neptune!) in their natal chart and the sky.

“A piece of reality which others might find relatively uncomplicated becomes, through the lens of Neptune, filled with strange dreams, longings, terrors, and unknown powers which point back to the very beginnings of life. And it is here that we experience a secret identification with the source whose great intensity, if it is not made conscious, will permeate the individual’s attitude toward the world and others, bringing confusion, deception, and the strange passivity of the infant—unless he or she can begin to explore that secret fantasy and gently peel it off the outer objects, ideologies, and people to which it has attached itself. All the mythic images we have explored describe the longing we are left with after the loss of original unity, and the trials and suffering necessary to recapture some part of the healing power of the source. And the theme of Paradise, lost and one day regained, leads inevitably on from the theme of primal separation; for the reward we seek after death is no different from the realm out of which we have come at the dawn of life.”

— Liz Greene, The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption

STRUCTURE: One 50-minute session per week via zoom (cameras on or off) for 4 weeks. At the end of the 4 weeks, there will be the option to continue our weekly sessions. Sessions begin just after Neptune enters Aries (the week of March 31st) and will continue indefinitely. Space is limited.

If you’re interested, please fill out the below form. I will get back to you ASAP and we can schedule the sessions together, deciding on a time and price that works for you.

Sessions are highly individualized, depending on your interests, goals, etc. Though, I may give small “assignments” or things to think about between sessions. Here is a basic framework:

Session 1: A dive into your natal Neptune: its placement, your own associations, and any dream imagery or language that's been coming up.

Session 2: A reflection on Neptune’s past 14 years in Pisces in your natal chart and life. Dream themes, visions, afflictions.

Session 3: A look at Neptune’s upcoming trip through Aries and its impact on your chart.

Session 4: Dreams, free association, how Neptune’s been showing up, the future.